Monthly Archives: October 2013

twofilthyfucks: One day I was laying in bed alone while jerking…

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One day I was laying in bed alone while jerking off. My Cum Rag walked in. She was busy cleaning up but made certain that I knew I was to call her over immediately before I blew so she could receive my cum on her face.

Of course I granted this request.

Afterwards, we discussed the need for a facial bell. For example, if she was entertaining her friends in one room while I relaxed in another and I needed to cum, I was to ring the bell so she could excuse herself and take a load of seed on her face before returning back to see her friends.

She was quite excited by the idea which made my heart melt into a soft, pulpy mess of love.

I’d say we could add a blow job bell to our collection, but she already knows the signal for “suck my cock” is merely anytime the two of us are together.

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